Dear Working Mom, I See You


Dear Working Mom (and that’s ALL the moms),

I see you.

Work from home mom, I see you in your workout pants, attempting to juggle work tasks with mom time, getting up early and staying up too late, reheating that cup of coffee, ignoring that laundry pile one more day, trying so hard to fit it all in and still be present with your kids as much as possible. Part time working mom, I see you, ever chasing after that elusive word “balance,” feeling grateful for the opportunity to have the best of both worlds, yet struggling with guilt because reality never quite lives up to your expectations to do it all, much less do it all well. Work outside the home mom, I see you, hustling - constantly hustling - to and from work and meetings and school and evening activities and alllll the places, slinging out breakfasts and dinners, pumping on your lunch break, trying to be everything to everyone, yet always feeling like something is slipping through the cracks. Stay at home mom, I see you, working so hard to serve everyone around you in so many different ways both seen and unseen, yet sometimes feeling unseen yourself, feeling so very grateful for this life you’ve dreamed of but occasionally questioning your decision to put your own dreams on hold for this season.

I see you, working mamas, because in my almost decade of motherhood, I’ve graciously lived in the mountain and valley moments of each of these seasons you’re standing in. When Kate, my oldest (now 9 1/2), was a toddler and I was working super hard, commuting almost daily to/from my old job 70 miles away, I struggled often with mom guilt. One day as I was driving home from work listening to a Christian mom podcast, a mom (a Christian vocal artist, wish I could remember her name or which podcast) shared something to the effect that whenever she’s asked how she juggles her job with motherhood, she replies that it’s such a blessing that we as moms here in America even get to have choices about working and childcare, as compared to women living in many parts of the world. And they’re truly all good choices - “win-win” situations compared to the decisions of so many driven by desolate poverty. That was a defining moment in changing my perspective on mom guilt and has stuck with me over the years through different seasons of working and motherhood.


Regardless of their current “work status,” moms - actually, women in general - are some of the most hard working, passionately loving, fiercely advocating, compassionate, giving people I know. Consistently pouring ourselves out for so many others, but too often failing to give ourselves enough credit or grace.

So, as you stop to count your blessings on this Thanksgiving week, perhaps over an afternoon cup of coffee, consider the gifts of family and motherhood, the opportunities to work hard both inside and outside your home, and your village who helps you hold it all together... all given by a good, good Father God who loves us so fully and deeply - even when we struggle to love ourselves well. And don’t forget all the people in your life who have YOU on their thankful lists. Grace upon grace upon grace...
