You are Beautiful… Because God Says So

Do you believe you’re beautiful?

This is a reminder that you’re beautiful just as you are, because God made you that way! The Bible tells us we’re fearfully and wonderfully made, in God’s image, for purposes He planned in advance (Psalm 139; Genesis 1; Ephesians 2)… and that He describes His creation of people as “very good.” Isaiah 64 tells us God is the potter, and we are the clay - “the work of His hands.” The master Creator made YOU as a unique, beautiful work of art. And He doesn’t make junk! 🤍

In our society with its narrow definitions of “beauty”and all the perfectly curated, filtered photos and ads we’re bombarded with daily, it’s so easy for us girls and women to fall into the comparison trap from time to time and feel “not enough” or “too much.” Not pretty enough, thin enough, curvy enough, in shape enough, or... maybe too old, too young, too wrinkly, too fluffy, too lanky, too awkward, too big of a nose 🙋🏻‍♀️😂... just fill-in-the-blank. I’ve been online swimsuit shopping the past few weeks, and it’s been a laughable experience comparing the model pics to try-on reality… the only redeeming part was the free returns! 😆 Amazon swim, we’re officially breaking up. I joke, but body image can be a real struggle sometimes, right?

God’s Word is clear that our beauty comes from within, but I also think the Lord wants us to appreciate, learn to love, and be at peace with our earthly bodies! I believe the enemy knows our self worth and confidence as women is deeply intertwined with our feelings about our bodies and appearance, so he tries hard to target us there. He wants nothing more than to render us useless for the Kingdom, but the good news is that we can FIGHT BACK!

As a way to fight against critical thoughts about our appearance, I want to share 3 things the Lord impressed on me over the past few years to help me practice seeing myself in light of who He says I am:

  1. Post scripture on or near your mirror, and repeat it back to the negative thoughts when they creep in. A big reason I created the Truth Time Identity affirmation cards is out of my own experience of needing to do this… and wanting to give my own two girls tools to stand firm in their God-given identity from early ages. My prayer is that the Lord uses them to help equip girls and women with a tangible way to transform our thoughts about who we were created to be in line with the truth of God’s Word! 🤍

  2. Smile at yourself when you look in the mirror. 😅 Yes, I know how incredibly silly that sounds, but it really works! To me, it’s a subtle mindset shift that helps me snap out of the negative self talk and instead move toward being grateful for this body the Lord has so graciously given me.

  3. Make a list of all the wonderful things your body is able to do, and the features that you actually like about your appearance. Thank the Lord in prayer for these things, and ask for His help in accepting yourself - flaws and all - and growing in the fruit of the Spirit so that your inner beauty radiates His light and love!

I’m definitely a work in progress in this area, but praise God he’s not finished with us yet!

What do you do to practice self love and combat negative self talk? Leave a comment to share... then go smile in the mirror and have an amazing week, beautiful friend! 😘

Start smiling at yourself in the mirror! You may feel a little crazy, but I promise it works!